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Chateau de Villeneuve, Vence

Contemporary & modern art displays in a historic chateau

featured in Sights & sites

The château (more like a townhouse, so don't go looking for turrets) was originally built in the 17th century and was gifted to the town of Vence by Emile Hugues who had been the mayor.

The chateau was restored by architect Jean François Bodin, author of the restorations of the Modern Art Museum in Paris and the Matisse Museum in Nice.

Exhibitions of modern and contemporary art are the mainstay of this gallery and you can see works by Matisse and Chagal, who both lived in Vence for several years. There are also cultural events throughout the year, such as encounters with artists and critics, or educational workshops.

Visitor comments

  • "This little museum in the middle of Vence is not only great from it's content (every year they have 2 to 3 expositions of modern art) but also from its architecture and wall paintings in the tower. The hostesses are lovely and really helpful. A must when in Vence" - Trip Advisor
  • "Brilliant venue, brilliant exhibition, absolutely loved it. Lighting was fantastic. Extremely helpful staff" - Trip Advisor

When to come

Open all year round, Tuesday to Sunday, from 10:00 to 18:00. Closed on Mondays and bank holidays.

How to get passes

Tickets cost 6€ for adults, and 3€ for children 12 to 18, groups over 10 people and students.


Map of the surrounding area