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Exflora Park, Juan les Pins

Stunning greenery & colour explosion on the coastline of the Cote d'Azur

featured in Sights & sites

A magnificent example of Mediterranean gardens with a large olive grove, fountains and of course the wonderful Antibes roses!

This five hectare park is open to the public and is located in Juan les Pins. With free entry, it's a lovely place to come and sit quietly with a book and relax. The park is full of a wide variety of different trees and flowers. There are also water features, fountains, ponds and waterfalls. An olive grove is adjacent to the gardens.

Much of the architecture within the park is also representative of the various cultural influences in the area, from Greek and Roman to Italian.

Visitor comments

  • "Beautiful park in Juan Les Pins with enough trees to give shade should the sun be beating down that day. I didn't see any dogs which is great as when you are visiting with young children you don't want them to accidentally step in something. I enjoyed my time here. It was peaceful and serene although a little hard to access with a pushchair as I had to carry it over a stretch of sand to reach the underpass and then carry it up some stairs. If you know you need help then I wouldn't attempt it. For me it was fine." - Trip Advisor

When to come

Opening hours:

  • Spring: 09:30-19:00,
  • Summer: 09:30-21:30
  • Winter 09:30-17:00.

The gardens are magnificent when they are in full blossom in the spring and in full bloom in the summer. However, in one part of the park, the winter garden has a beautiful collection of winter-flowering plants such as mimosa or camellia (seen only in the winter season).


Map of the surrounding area